Dr Christos Nikopoulos is delivering a Keynote presentation at the International Conference, Bucharest, 2018.
What follows is a small sample of Christos Nikopoulos’ presentations that may correspond with a few of his publications.

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Video modelling to teach social and play skills to children with ASD - Boston 2022 [ABAI – 48th ANNUAL CONVENTION]

An Introduction To ABA and Video Modelling - London 2018

An Introduction to ABA - Riyadh 2018

An Introduction to ABA - Riyadh 2018
Popular 1 726.35 KB 675

FBA and School-wide Behaviour Support Plans - Bucharest 2018

How parents can help their children - Cyprus 2018

Structuring an ABA programme for children with ASD - Cyprus 2018

Technology-based interventions - Moscow 2015

Video modelling for children with ASD - Istanbul 2019

Video modelling in autism - AARBA 2020 Italia

Mission Statement

To bring science into everyday practice with an ultimate goal of enhancing the quality of life of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities. This is achieved because we provide high standard, individualised educational services and therapy programmes focused on Verbal Behaviour.